4 SKILLS® Speaking
4SKILLS Speaking Test is designed for candidates who are not native speakers of English and wish to achieve a high quality, internationally recognised qualification in English are designed to reference the descriptions of language proficiency in the Common European Framework Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Features of the Exam
Level of the Exam
B2 S (Speaking)
Format of the Exam
Online Recorded
Pass Score
24 ( 24 / 40)
Candidates are awarded as;
B2+ Pass: 33 - 40 / 40
B2 Pass : 24 - 32 / 40
Fail : 0 - 23 / 40
For more detailed information, download the 4Skills® Qualification Handbook
Who are the '4SKILLS ® Speaking Tests' intended for?
The overall objective of the ‘4SKILLS Speaking’ qualifications is to provide candidates with a qualification that they can use where the ability to speak and understand verbal English is required.
The qualifications are suitable for:
non-native speakers of English worldwide
adults attending an English course
students learning English as part of their school or college curriculum
people needing English for their everyday or working life
learners attending short courses in English
Levels and duration of the Exam

Part 1
Give and spell name
State country of origin
Answer 5 questions
Part 2
2 or 3 situations are presented
Candidates are expected to respond to questions and initiate interactions
Part 3
Hold a short discussion to make a plan, arrange or decide something using written text as the prompt
Part 4
Candidates are given 30 seconds preparation time
Talk about a topic provided by the interlocutor for 2 minutes
Answer follow-up questions
Results, certificates and digital badges
Results & e-certificate sent by email or to the Test Centre / School;
3 - 5 business days for Online exams with remote, live invigilation or computer – based exams
Hard-copy certificates are sent either to the candidate or to the Test Centre shortly after results are released.
4.1 ListeningThe candidate will be able to: understand standard spoken English delivered at normal speed follow short conversations both formal and informal in a range of familiar situations understanding gist, context, purpose, function, attitude, feelings, opinions and relationships follow a conversation and predict the likely outcome understand narratives, sequences, instructions, descriptions and explanations identify the function of short utterances which may contain idiomatic expressions follow a discussion to identify gist, detail, purposes and key ideas and distinguish between fact and opinion extract and reproduce key information from announcements, media broadcasts, presentations and lectures including abstract and concrete topics encountered in personal, social, academic and vocational life follow clearly structured extended speech and more complex argument when familiar with the topic. The candidate will be able to: Range recognise how intonation, pitch and/or stress can affect meaning recognise feelings, moods, attitudes, important points and opinions expressed through stress, pitch and intonation. The candidate will be able to: Register understand ideas, arguments and descriptions expressed through complex sentence forms understand some lower frequency vocabulary and expressions relating to everyday life and current events. The candidate will be able to: recognise degrees of formality used by speakers in different types of utterances in everyday and less familiar situations. Understanding detail The candidate will be able to: extract the more salient points of detail from longer but clearly structured texts on familiar and unfamiliar topics and on both concrete and abstract topics.
4.2 ReadingThe candidate will be able to: understand texts in different styles and purposes with a large degree of independence understand the main ideas in complex texts on both familiar and abstract topics understand the way meaning is built up in a range of texts locate specific information from different parts of a text or different texts understand feelings, opinions, warnings and conditions in both formal and informal texts understand lengthy texts containing complex instructions or explanations understand articles and reports concerned with contemporary issues in which the writers adopt particular viewpoints locate and understand information, ideas and opinions from longer more specialised sources in familiar contexts. Range The candidate will be able to: Register • understand a broad range of vocabulary but may experience some difficulty with low frequency idioms • understand texts which contain a broad range of grammatical structures. The candidate will be able to: • understand the features of register in texts including those conveying emotion or dispute.
4.3 WritingText structure The candidate will be able to: recognise how purpose is achieved in a range of texts including those containing images, graphical and tabular data understand a broad range of discourse markers including those expressing addition, cause and effect, contrast, sequence and time. The candidate will be able to: write coherently on topics of general interest linking ideas appropriately and effectively write clear connected text describing real or imaginary people or events present an argument giving points for and against, supporting and evaluating different views write formal letters, reports or articles to fulfil a range of functions for practical purposes write letters describing significant personal events, people or experiences use correct punctuation in formal and informal writing to enhance meaning correctly spell words used in work, study and daily life control grammar to communicate effectively although errors may occur when complex structures are attempted use words and expressions appropriate to topic and purpose of the writing adjust register in familiar contexts to suit purpose and readership use a range of linking words effectively to show clearly the relationship between ideas
4.4 SpeakingSpeaking The candidate will be able to: speak with a degree of fluency and spontaneity making sustained interaction possible without undue strain communicate personal information, opinions, feelings and ideas communicate in a variety of social situations using a range of functional language exchange information to perform a task narrate, describe, explain and express opinions in extended speech give straightforward descriptions, narratives, directions, instructions on topics encountered in personal, social, academic or vocational life contribute points to an argument on a familiar topic integrating sub-themes and coming to a conclusion. Pronunciation The candidate will be able to: pronounce clearly the sounds of English in connected speech produce stretches of language with few noticeable long pauses, but with some hesitation when searching for patterns and expressions. Accuracy The candidate will be able to: display a relatively high degree of grammatical control without impeding errors. Range The candidate will be able to: use sufficient range of language to give detailed descriptions and arguments and be able to highlight personal events and emotions produce complex sentences although there is still some searching for vocabulary and expressions. Register The candidate will be able to: adopt a degree of formality appropriate to the circumstances cope linguistically with more stressful kinds of interaction such as complaints or disputes. Fluency The candidate will be able to: manage the conventions of turn taking using appropriate phrases for making and dealing with interruptions and requesting information